Currently – New Works (in progress) can be found in the Category: DIARY

we often attribute to the heart what is actually due to the brain. as the heart keeps the body alive, the brain has the ability to immerse in infinite imagination (and emotion). it is this duality that makes us human.

happy valentinesday. happy birthday. merry christmas. ..enjoy every day


oldie but goldie, from my 2008 series: “anacrotic pulse”

(thank you Albert King for lending your voice. i hope you don‘t mind ♥)

Getting ready for Photo Schweiz 25

Fr 07. – Di 11. Februar 2025
at Kongresshaus Zürich.

See you there!

10 days of “Qualia experiments”
that was fun!
see you next year


sensory tasks that remind of everyday moments and at the same time appear strange, even absurd when presented detached from their function… random occurence of poesy in the ordinary. a ritual exercise.

my selfpublished newspaper “a love letter” (2022-2023, 12p., 35x50cm, edition of 20 copies) went to Sweden! to be part of Studio Tabac‘s first book exhibition: Kapitel # 1

how lovely. thank you ♥

Impressions from my exhibition “Silent Conversation” at Café ELEU at Pestalozzi Bibliothek Altstadt Zürich. → October 5th until January 8th

Exclusive posters, postcards and fineart prints available! 

(Poster 50 x 75 cm on A1, digital print 170g paper matt, 100.- incl. shipping)

pleased to have my photoseries “Silent Conversation” on display at Pestalozzi Bibliothek Altstadt, Zähringerstr.17, 8001 Zürich

Thank you Cécile from Café ELEU, for connecting the dots and for your support.

The Opening will take place on October 5th!

Looking forward seeing you there

Silence definition: Any absence of sound, communication or hearing. Silence is also used as total communication, in reference to nonverbal communication.

Conversations between body, mind and soul.

…pleased that these prints from my 2020/21 diary “Lucky Socks” are findig a new home

thank you @remoeyer_fineart for the excellent teamwork in the realisation of all kinds of print ideas.

A heartfelt Thank You to everyone who came to my exhibition these days. You’ve turned into an unforgettable week for me. Seeing faces from past and present stages of my life did feel like closing a circle. I Love you.

Special Thanks to @seanbyron_artist and @schmitz.maxi for your support

and Thank you @remoeyer_fineart for the stunning #chromaluxemetalprints

here are some impressions

Invitation to my Solo Exhibition
“You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato”

photographs, objects, drawings and writing

15. / 16. August 2024
jeweils 15 – 21 Uhr

GZ Schindlergut
Kronenstrasse 12
8006 Zürich

Looking forward seeing you there!

..some copies of my “Mother” (2013, Nightstand Edition) are still available

print on fineart photo paper (iridescent), sealed behind 2cm of acrylic glass, each 10 x 15 cm.
Edition of 10 copies (incl. the box)

..the idea that matter knows itself

ich habe ein kurzes essay verfasst, titel: über kreativität und entfaltung

..weil ich auf jobsuche bin – und mir wünsche, mit kindern oder jugendlichen in einem kreativen bereich zu arbeiten (als quereinsteiger). falls ihr jemanden kennt, dem ich das zukommen lassen sollte, lasst mich gerne wissen.

man kann die 5 seiten auch online lesen, HIER gehts zum PDF

fingers crossed! hearts open