– media art culture festival
We, around 200, meet once a year, in September, on an island in the alps.
Schmiede stands for three things: network, create, present
Location: Saline Hallein, Mauttorpromenade 7, A – 5400 Hallein
The Saline on the Pernerinsel is a unique environment. The building is not just a mere abandoned industrial facility with huge rooms, but a patchwork of extraordinary spaces built between 1850 and 1950. The salt storage rooms are all wooden, the tower concrete, steel and glass. Rooms range from a 23 meter tower to production halls to small dungeons. – All this is located on an island in the Salzach on the verge between the alps and the flat lands.
Schmiede 2015 theme: READY
Tenngauer Nachrichten – 24.9.15
Zeitgenossen Magazin
During the 10days of Schmiede –
Shirin Kavin worked on her current series of photos named: Virginity Purity Innocence Youth.
She created a photocollage (35x123cm) named: roter Mann und weisse Frau (Skizze)
– can be seen here: schmiede2015ready / (view large)