Silent Conversation (ongoing multidisciplinary project)
Silence definition: Any absence of sound, communication or hearing. Silence is also used as total communication, in reference to nonverbal communication.
Conversations between body, mind and soul.
silent letter (I, II, III)
photographs 2020, sizes on request
hair on fabric, snails on hourglass on fabric, sand and silk
Two Vessels
object 2020, 28 cm x 13 cm
two glass tubes. 1: hair of two people, feathers, dried dandelion, amber, wasp, plastic pellets, gold with turquoise-lid, hung on golden chain / 2: crystals, broken piece of prism, tooth with a hole, dried daisy, cotton string / Base: wood and metal, hole in base filled with salt.
Silent Spring
photographs 2020, each 38 x 57 cm
buttercup, dandelion, forget me not
silent imprint
photograph 2016, 53 x 80 cm
paper coloured with pigment, imprints from liver
object 2014 – 2020, 20 cm x 10 cm
milk teeth, wooden hand, crystals and dried thistle
silent past
photograph 2016, 33 x 50 cm
bone hung on strings coloured with pigment
Ladder (homage to Robert Fludd ‘s ladder of perfection)
object 2020, 250 x 70 cm
two branches, soil, blue fabric
2020 Selected Works, Shirin Kavin, 64pages, A4, English / preview PDF
2024 Silent Conversation, Solo Exhibition, Pestalozzi Bibliothek Altstadt, Zürich (CH) / about
2021 PhotoSchweiz, Showcase, Halle 550, Zürich (CH) / about
Also take a look at: in memoriam